Green Yellow Monster gets a new life!!!

23 Oct

In September 2024 there was news from a small village named Chelles, in France (East of Paris). In this village you find the car scrapping company D.A.C., along the Chemin du corps de Garde.
Since the 1990s the company kept a BX 4TC as display car on a pole near the entrance and it was painted completely yellow and green. It was stated that the company had received a number of BX 4TC cars in the past from Citroen in order to scrap them, due to the decision to buy back delivered cars for scrapping after the 200 cars had been produced to arrange the homologation for the Group A rally participation.  It is known that a BX 4TC owner once bought a complete 4TC engine from this company.

So the car at the entrance must be one of the cars which had been ordered to scrap and was selected to give it a promotional role.

In March 2000 we got information that the car was gone at the entrance and possibly stored somewhere. In between we saw this month (via Facebook) that the car is being restored as a big and challenging project. In between the new owner succeeded in finding an engine and gearbox. We hope the owner will succeed and get it back on the road one day.

And of course we are very curious about the real identity of the car since we never found out its chassis number… One day we will know.

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