The BX 4TC has been developed from the standard BX car in order to meet the Group B homologation requirements from the FIA. At least 200 street version of a World Rally Car should have been manufactured to allow the rally car to compete in the championship.
In total 200 streetcars had to be build but probably only 100 have been build when the production stopped. BX 4TC chassisnumbers for the BX4TC streetversion are within the range: VF7XBXL0000XL0xxx (1985/1986) and XL30xx (1987).
The color of all the cars is white (from factory). Around 40 cars are still in existence today.
Beneath all the information we know about the BX 4TC. We have several names of current BX 4TC owners who gave approval.
Due to privacy and security reasons this Excel register is only shared among BX4TC owners.!!!!
Grey lines are history lines regarding the history of the car. Black lines are the last known status by this register.
STANDARD 4TC – series 200 (Note: first 10 cars did not receive official chassisnumbers)
Please find beneath the link to the (1985/1986/1987) production registers and unidentified cars:
BX 4TC series XL0001 till XL0070
BX 4TC series XL3001 till XL3030
BX 4TC unidentified
Some interesting links:
UK page about the BX 4TC by Julian Marsh can be found here : and