BX 4TC REGISTER unidentified cars


This page is dedicated to all the not identified and special created BX 4TC – 200 series cars. If you know more about these cars (identification) or have seen other cars, even better with photos, please contact us!

plate nr location comments
1174W79 France Official Citroen press car 1986/1987. Seen inside magazines. Identity unknown.
3767W92 Last noticed in 1986/87, One of the Citroen press demonstration cars. Also used in test inside magazine Sportauto.
3768W92 Last noticed in 1986/87, One of the Citroen press demonstration cars. Also used in test inside magazines like AutoHebdo and L’Auto Mobile.
3769W92 Last noticed in 1986/87, One of the Citroen press demonstration cars. Also used in test inside magazines like Action Automobile and Echappement.
44UY974 This red painted unidentified BX 4 TC was seen at La Réunion Island in 1996. It has a roll bar protection and the wheels of the Evo car. It was painted red probably early 90s by the Citroën dealer at “Le Chaudron” Réunion. Photos beneath were provided by Jean Francois Pierre. it looks like later on it was used as a white painted rally-car looking at photos provided by Ludovic Durantin, so it must have valid license papers.
None This BX 4TC can be found for many year at the entrance of a big car scrapdealer D.A.C., chemin du corps de garde 77500 Chelles, not far from Paris, France. The car had been dismantled for spare parts to supply other BX 4TC owners in France. The car shell was painted green and put on the entrance. It is very likely that this is one of the cars not having official homologation papers. Photo beneath was found on the scrapdealer website.