Beneath the register for all known cars with chassisnumbers starting with 0000XJ….

chassis orga color nation lic. date platenumber status
0003 grey D 22-5-85 ??? Guido Diogenis, Germany, Imported from France in 2002.
0113 3012 red F 29-3-85 GD910AT Active, France,  (ex 4473RL36)
0123 3025 red F 5-4-85 315DLM95 Marie Martinelli, France, For sale.
0166 3019 red F 12-4-85 ET096RM Active, Stéphane Arteaud, France
0176 3028 red F 23-4-85 EQ304BH Active, Emmanuel Desbos, France (ex- 9062TS26)
0178 silver F ?-?-85 ??? BX-K prototype! Stored somewhere in France.
0197 red F 27-3-85 2691QC81 Active, France
0220 3033 red F 28-3-85 369CLY78 Jereme Jebsacka, Chartres, France. (ex 5122TH35)
0230 red F ?-3-85 ??? Active in France. Weber carbs.
0265 3012 red UK 25-3-85 not yet Nick Runcie, UK, ex-NL imported from France in March 2014 (ex 6433MA12), exported to UK and picked up 6-2-2022.
0289 red F 26-3-85 ??? For sale, internet. Somewhere in France.
0295 red F 26-4-85 2488TM13 Gerard Fadda, France. (ex 1326NF07)
0300 silver F 26-3-85 ??? Daniel Boulme, Bucy Les Pierrepont, France.
0319 3042 silver F 11-4-85 EJ541ZY Cyril Gousset, Beuzeville, France. 1st owner was famous Horse owner Raoel Ostheimer.
0336 silver F 26-3-85 1985JV82 Fabrice Cassou, France.
0365 grey F 29-4-85 7991TL69 SCRAPPED (ex 268ALY38).
0372 3034 grey F 15-4-85 ??? BKS, Active, Brittany, France
0417 silver F 9-4-85 6485QA55 Active, France
0429 silver F 7-6-85 226RB47 For sale, France
0463 3034 grey UK 1-4-85 B78FPU Jacky Jones, UK, imported from France in February 2014 (ex 798FHG675).
0528 silver F 15-5-85 5861VM86 Active, near Poitiers. (ex 23TX83 and 7243WB44)
0623 silver F 9-5-85 8920TM45 Bruno Thion, Fleury Les Aulnais, France.
0625 silver F ?-?-85 1672VX95 Active, France.
0633 red F 31-5-85 5252RF88 Rally car, France.
0663 grey F 4-7-85 ES538HA Active, France.
0707 silver F 20-5-85 7653QA89 Active, France.
0710 red F 12-7-85 4284YZ63 For sale, France.
0730 3031 silver F 20-3-85 CE488YY Ch.Brun-Baronnat / L.Laurens, Grenoble, France.
0737 silver F 20-5-85 6947TC02 Stored, for sale, France.
0741 3083 silver F 18-7-85 DN184LS For sale, France
0745 grey CZ ?-?-85 ??? Martin Hosna, Prague, CZ. Imported from France in 2008. (ex 2475VE63)
0813 3067 grey F 4-6-85 214AST38 Active, unknown owner, France.
0829 30?? grey UK 4-6-85 4422RP18 Exported to the UK, owned by Nick Runcie since July 2019.
0850 grey F ?-?-85 ??? Owner also owns a white BX Sport. France.
0853 silver F 29-5-85 4112TJ35 Dominique Penard, France.
0928 silver F ?-?-85 3315SV28 SCRAPPED.
1000 grey F ?-?-85 none Project Gaëtan Lecordier Di Gaëttinger, France.
1023 grey F 14-5-85 592CMB44 active, France.
1039 3095 silver F 5-7-85 ET807GB Wyllie Merchandise, Puygouzon, France (ex 4837ZQ31).
1054 3123 silver F 3-7-85 unknown Owner lives in Jura, France.
1074 silver F 15-7-85 DY173TL For sale with some French dealer in 2024.
108? grey F ?-?-85 5798VM61 Unknown status, France.
1088 grey F 17-5-85 DC917SD Active, France.
1094 grey F ?-?-85 2517MD10 Seen for sale, France.
1112 grey F 11-9-1985 DK225BK Active, France.
1133 silver F ?-5-85 389ZT45 Active, France.
1149 3075 silver F ?-5-85 1324XG57 likely scrapped after parts used for other BX SPORT.
1152 silver F 29-5-85 GW957MN Active, Federico Cerruto. (ex EF208DK)
1162 grey F ?-4-85 4888WS62 Active, France.
1172 grey F 7-5-85 3113RW61 For Sale, France.
1261 grey F ?-?-85 ???? Still active, France.
1275 silver F 29-5-85 989RY01 Active, France.
1359 3074 grey F ?-?-85 4830NE92 S.A.Oblinger (Citroen dealer) Haegenau, France. For sale (ex 8180YP95)
1380 grey F 3-6-85 EP262QC Active, France
1381 grey F 31-5-85 DG259DC Active, France
1388 3090 grey F ?-?-85 ???? Exported to Spain, owned by Luis Antonio
Rodriguez, Leon, Spain
1410 silver F ?-?-85 3214LY62 Olive X, France, for sale.
1428 grey F 4-6-85 GC543LV For sale, France
1461 grey F ?-6-85 2870ZD94 Active, France
1481 silver F ?-?-85 ??? SCRAPPED (ex Algeria nr 1979 99 25)
1490 grey F 29-5-85 EZ875KQ Active in France (formerly licensed 2814RQ85)
1510 grey F 17-5-85 AV551ZW Stored in France
1543 grey F 14-6-85 844AMA77 Active in France
1558 ? F ?-?-85 None Used for rallye cross, France. Licence FFSA n°14914. For sale.
1575 silver F ?-?-85 902CEN92 Paris, France. (ex 1490JM94)
1611 silver F 13-5-85 798BMG83 Active, France. For sale.