BX 4TC XL3026 on auction

12 Feb

[10 February 2017] This month (February ) the non-licensed BX 4TC XL3026 was put on sale at the auction of retromobile 2017. It is a Swiss car and price indication is between 50K-80K euro. More information and photos can be … Read More »

Trigano BX4TC at auction retromobile

6 Jan

XLxxxx_Trigano_36 Citroen BX 4TC 1X

[6 January 2016]  It was stated that the BX 4TC (c/n XL3002) owned by Trigano and stored in his private museum will be sold at an auction organized by Artcurial at the next Retromobile show in Paris in February. It is in a very good shape, just as new. Photo was provided by Jean Francois Pierre.

More information can be found here:

http://www.artcurial.com/fr/departements/artcurial-motorcars/ (english language is available) : and check directly for LOT 221 !!!

Unidentified 4TC found

5 Jan

[5 January 2016] Julien Herlaut shared a few interesting photos on our facebook page which can be found here. It shows a 4TC being restored and looking at the rims it could well be the BX 4TC with chassisnumber XL0048. Interesting details show license number “4255 WWP 27”.
Does anyone know more about this car??
